Workshop on Network Visualization

Networks are ubiquitously identified with a set of nodes carefully organized in a space and connected by line links. This happens regardless of the fact that nodes and links are just one of the many ways we have available to represent vertices and edges in networks. In few other areas has the object of study and its visual representation been so deeply intertwined as with network analysis and network visualization, to the point where the difference between the two is often fading away.

The vis21cph workshop on network visualization will explore the possibilities, open challenges and limits of the current approach to network visualization.

How to attend

If you would like to attend our workshop, please register for the satellite conference (link to Eventbrite from the main page). During registration, you will get the chance to add a ticket for our workshop. If you already registered, you can still add workshop attendance.

Location: ScrollBar, ITU

Date: Thursday October 28, 2021

Time: 13.00-14.30


The workshop is scheduled for the early afternoon of Thursday October 28, 2021 at ITU. We organize the Network Visualization Workshop in two parts.

13.00-13.45: Introduction by participants

In the first part of the workshop, participants briefly introduce themselves, their work in relation to network visualization, and their motivation for participating in the workshop (up to three minutes per participant).

Slides are optional but need to be shared with the organisers as pdf 24 hours prior to the workshop (contact information below).

We will post the participant list and slides here as they are shared with us

13.50-14.35: Beyond visualizing networks of vertices and edges

In the second part of the workshop, a three-person panel initiate a discussion on the limits and possibilities of network visualization when dealing with more complex network models such as temporal networks, multilayer networks, and multipartite networks.

We are happy to be joined by a set of awesome panel members:

  • Mathieu Jacomy, Aalborg University
  • Matteo Magnani, Uppsala University
  • Michele Coscia, IT University of Copenhagen
