Workshop on Healthcare Data and Data Visualization

Healthcare services increasingly use healthcare data to offer better healthcare services and healthcare data play an important role both on an operational and strategic level. Visual data representations in healthcare too have a long history. For example, the use of visual representations in epidemiology date back at least to the 1850’ies, when Florence Nightingale created the “Rose Diagram” to show that epidemic disease could be controlled by a variety of factors including nutrition, ventilation, and shelter or John Snow plotted the location of deaths from cholera in central London for September 1854 on a map.

Nowadays, access to rich data sets, pervasive displays and visualization and analytics technology has greatly reduced the distance between data and insights. Healthcare organizations are increasingly looking to data to improve service quality, patient-led analysis is emerging as a new field of inquiry, and precision medicine is touted as the next frontier of patient-focused healthcare. Yet, data access in healthcare is still difficult and questions surrounding topics such as data quality, data interpretability, data provenance, and data comparability are getting more complicated. Healthcare professionals and organizations question how to tap into the promising value of data, in both clinical/operational and in strategic contexts.

In Denmark, we have a long history of high-quality healthcare data. Recent developments in the healthcare services organisation, such as “Sundhedsplatformen” (a tailored version of Epic EMR), have asked clinicians to spend more time on administrative tasks, with limited benefit in return. We are interested in exploring healthcare organizational responses to data use and how the collected data might be used as the foundation for discussions.

In this context, we invite participants in our workshop to share their perspectives on Healthcare Data and Visual Representations of Data.

How to attend

If you would like to attend our workshop, please register for the satellite conference (link to Eventbrite from the main page). During registration, you will get the chance to add a ticket for our workshop. If you already registered, you can still add workshop attendance.

Location: 3A20, ITU

Date: Friday October 29, 2021

Time: 10.00-14.30


The workshop is scheduled for the morning and early afternoon of Friday October 29, 2021 at ITU. We organize the workshop in three parts.

9.30-10.30: Welcome and introduction by participants

In the first part of the workshop, participants briefly introduce themselves, their work in relation to healthcare data and visual representations, and their motivation for participating in the workshop (up to three minutes per participant).

Slides are optional but need to be shared with the organisers as pdf 24 hours prior to the workshop (contact information below).

We will post the participant list and slides here as they are shared with us

Location: 3A20, ITU

11.00-12.00: Group forming and discussions

In the second part, we group up according to themes emerging from the introductions, in terms of interests and perspectives. Themes can be anything from shared interest in a specific aspect of healthcare data, formulating concrete research questions, or potential collaborations around this topic. Workshop participants work on the individual themes in groups.

Location: 3A20/3A05, ITU

12.00-13.00: Lunch Break

13.00-14.00: Group discussions (continued)

We continue our work in groups in the third part of the workshop. In the last 15 minutes, we summarise our discussions and prepare to share them with the workshop participants.

Location: 3A20/3A05, ITU

14.00-14.30: Sharing from groups and Closing notes

We reconvene at 14.00 to share the results of the group work and discussions with the other workshop participants.

Location: 3A20, ITU


  • Søren Knudsen, IT University of Copenhagen
  • Bent Grubb Laursen, Rigshospitalet
  • Christian Michel Sørup, Rigshospitalet